Monday, May 7, 2007

Midnights Summer Dream Act 2

In act two scene one, the characters Oberon and Titania are introduced. They are king and queen of the fairies. In the beginning Oberon thinks that Titania is in love with a boy that he sees her with, but he is the son of a close friend and she is caring for him. After finding this out Oberon wants the boy, but Titania won't give him to Oberon. To have revenge Oberon sends Puck the pocket goblin to get a flower that makes the person it is used on to fall in love with the next person they see. When Puck returns, Oberon uses the flower on Titania when she is sleeping.

In act two scene two, Hermia and Lysander are going through the forest. When they are tired they fall asleep next to each other. Oberon sends Puck with the flower to make Demetrius fall in love with Helena. When Puck sees Lysander next to Hermia in the forest he uses it on him thinking that he is Demetrius. When Lysander wakes up, the first person he sees is Helena falling in love with her.

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