Wednesday, May 9, 2007

MIdnights Summer Dream Act 3 Scene1

In act three scene one, the actors meet in the forest to practice for the play that they are performing at King Theseus's wedding. After setting up there stages they start to perform the play. While Bottom is on the side taking a break, Puck places a spell on him turning his head into a donkey's. When he comes back to perform with the rest of the actors they are terrified by him and run away throughthe forest. Bottom was unsure of why everyone ran away from him, not knowing that he had a donkey for a head. He then starts singing, waking up Titania. Titania falls in love with Bottom because of the flower that Oberon used on her. Titania tells Bottom that she loves him and that she and her fairies will care for him.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Midnights Summer Dream Act 2

In act two scene one, the characters Oberon and Titania are introduced. They are king and queen of the fairies. In the beginning Oberon thinks that Titania is in love with a boy that he sees her with, but he is the son of a close friend and she is caring for him. After finding this out Oberon wants the boy, but Titania won't give him to Oberon. To have revenge Oberon sends Puck the pocket goblin to get a flower that makes the person it is used on to fall in love with the next person they see. When Puck returns, Oberon uses the flower on Titania when she is sleeping.

In act two scene two, Hermia and Lysander are going through the forest. When they are tired they fall asleep next to each other. Oberon sends Puck with the flower to make Demetrius fall in love with Helena. When Puck sees Lysander next to Hermia in the forest he uses it on him thinking that he is Demetrius. When Lysander wakes up, the first person he sees is Helena falling in love with her.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Midnights Summer Dream Summary

In act one scene one Egeus meets with Theseus to discuss about his daughters marriage. He brings his daughter, Demitrius and Lysander with him so that Hermia can choose the person that she wants to marry. Egeus tells Theseus that Demitrius has his permission to marry his daughter, but Lysander has stolen his daughter's heart. Egeus then asks Theseus to approve of the marriage and to call Athens law, so that if Hermia denies Demitrius she will be killed for disobeying her father. After arguing over the marriage, Theseus gives Hermia time to think about her decision and leaves with Egeus and Demitrius.
Then in the courtyard Hermia and Lysander are discussing their problem. Lysander then tells Hermia that they can run away to his aunt's house to get married, so that the Athen's law can't affect her. Helena enters the courtyard and Hermia tells her of her plans with Lysander. After Hermia and Lysander leave the courtyard Helena's jealousy was shown as she started to formulate a plan to reveal Hermia's secret to Demitrius to get in his favor.

Scene two starts off with a man reading names off a list for a play. One of the actors in this play is a show boater that thinks he is good enough to play all of the parts. As the scene goes on a small thin man is called and his part is a woman he is made fun of and the show boater continues to boast about his greatness. After the names are done being yelled out and the parts are assigned, the director tells the group of actors to meet in the Forest for their rehearsal so that the people in town don't find out what the play is about.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Chinese Civil War

On April 1927 a civil war was started in china. Between the republic of china lead by the Kuomintang and the newly established Chinese Communist party. The war started after the Northern Expedition, which was a battle against the warlord's forces. In this battle the Republic joined forces with the Communist party and the Soviet arms. When the battle with the warlord was over the nationalists turned and attacked Britain, seeing them as their biggest threat. When the British retreated to Shanghai the Communist units went into capture it in the name of Chiang Kai-Shek their leader. This action ended the alliance between the Republic and Communists and started the Civil War. The war went on till 1937 when the Japanese invaded. At first the Communist leader Chiang Kai-Slek refused to join with the Republic to fight the Japanese. Then the Kuomintang generals Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng kidnapped Chiang Kai-Shek and forced him to sign a truce so that they could join forces to defeat the Japanese invaders. This was known as the Xi'an Incident. In the late 1940's the United States supplied the Nationalists with hundreds of millions of dollars of military equipment. On the other side the Chinese Communists were being funded by the Soviet Union. The war ended in 1950 with the Communists winning forcing the Nationalists to retreat to the island of Taiwan. During the take over the Republics capital of Beiping was renamed Beijing and renamed Taipei, Taiwan.

Ghost story

Every summer my family goes camping. One year I thought I saw somone sitting on a bench in the empty camp site next to us. Then as I was leaving the tent I thought I saw the person again staring into our camp site. When I asked my cousins about the person they thought I was crazy. As I was going to brush my teeth I felt as though the person was watching me, while I was walking. When I was at the bathroom I was so freaked out that I went to look outside while brushing my teeth. The next morning I walked by the same camp site that I thought I saw the person in and to my surprise, it was the stump of a tree with a shirt and a hat. That night I learned that in the dark my eyes can play tricks on me.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

fantasy story

If I had a time machine I could do many things, like changing the present and having adventures in the past. My time machine would be a sight to be seen, with large lights that flickered on and of as I was sent through time. Slowly the machine would start up spinning rapidly like a carnival ride. Making sounds that pounded your ear drums until you blacked out into another time. The outside would change according to the time that I was at. If it was the future it would be a futuristic car, if I were in the medieval times I would have a suit of armour and the time machine would look like a horse. Going back in time would have many flaws. You could change the lives of others and your self to make it better or worse. With this time machine I could be the richest man in the world by investing in stocks that I know are going to go up. I could go to the future and bring back cures that will save people's lives in the present. If only I had a time machine.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Essential Question #5

For this entry I wanted to review on what I want to become and why I want to have those jobs. The first one would be an engineer because I am creative and I am good at math and science. This would be a good job for me because it looks interesting and I can use my creativity in my work. Another job that I could have would to become a teacher. As a teacher I could give back to the community and use my people skills to help students learn. If I were to become a teacher I would probably teach a math or science and try to make the class as fun and interesting as possible while educating the class. While doing one of these jobs on the side I would probably become a football or track coach. I still don't know what I want to do when I'm older but I do know that I want to help people.