Tuesday, March 27, 2007

fantasy story

If I had a time machine I could do many things, like changing the present and having adventures in the past. My time machine would be a sight to be seen, with large lights that flickered on and of as I was sent through time. Slowly the machine would start up spinning rapidly like a carnival ride. Making sounds that pounded your ear drums until you blacked out into another time. The outside would change according to the time that I was at. If it was the future it would be a futuristic car, if I were in the medieval times I would have a suit of armour and the time machine would look like a horse. Going back in time would have many flaws. You could change the lives of others and your self to make it better or worse. With this time machine I could be the richest man in the world by investing in stocks that I know are going to go up. I could go to the future and bring back cures that will save people's lives in the present. If only I had a time machine.

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