Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Essential Question #2

While over at a friends house we started talking about jobs, I found out that one of my friend's dads is a nuclear engineer. When I asked him what he did he said that his dad worked with submarines and radioactive materials. I don't really know if I want to be working with hazardous materials during a job but this made me think about the jobs that engineers had in general so I did a search on the Internet. I found out that an engineers work involves a lot of math and science, my two favorite subjects. The basic job of an engineer is to develop and design something that will help with technical problems. I thought that some of these jobs were pretty cool. An example of an engineer's work is the construction of a robot. They first make the design of the robot, then slowly build it while testing each part of it as it goes on. This job may be a good choice for me in the future.

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