Sunday, February 25, 2007

family story part 1

When my brother was in kindergarten he brought home a baby chick that they had hatched in school. At first my parents told him that we couldn't take care of a chicken at home so he would have to take it back to school, but after a while of crying my parents agreed to keeping it as long as it stayed with my grandpa. We named him JJ because of the first initials of mine and my brothers name. As the months went on we noticed that JJ didn't look like a regular rooster. Then one day we found an egg in his cage. JJ was a girl chicken and was laying eggs. Eventually JJ became my grandpa's chicken and we stopped seeing JJ. In some chicken's eggs they have double yolks which are pretty rare. But in JJ's eggs their were always a double yolk egg which made her special. Every time I see the cage in my grandpa's yard I always remember JJ our special chicken.

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