Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Essential Question

In class we were assigned to make a question up that we could answer every cycle. My question is "What do I want to do later on in life?" The answers that I had so far to this question have been things like jobs that interested me. I think that I first need to take little steps to figure out what I want to become. I thought that college would be a good place to start. I want to go to collage because it will show my parents that I can succeed in life and it increase my chances in getting a good job. I think that the classes that I like now will reflect the courses that I will choose in the future. Right now I am doing well in science and math, so I might want to major in one of those areas. Since I like math a lot more, I think that I would like a job later on that involves using equations and numbers. I know with my grades right now I will need a little more effort to get into a good college. I know from experience that it will be hard to get into a good college because my brother was having a hard time when he was looking a year ago.

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