Monday, March 26, 2007

essential question #3

For this post I thought of the heroes in my life that contribute to the community. One of those people is my football coach Bryan Derby. He has set up a free clinic for offensive linemen to help with our technique and foot work. This camp is for one and a half to two hours on each weekend for four months until football season starts. The people who run this clinic aren't paid for their help but they do it because they want to see us improve. Coach Derby is constantly telling the team that sports are always secondary to family and school, he also teaches us good values like listening to your parents, respecting your elders, and telling the truth. Some of the athletes that he has coached have become professional athletes in the NFL, but he says that this isn't his best accomplishments. He says that the athletes that go on to college are his best accomplishments because he knows that with a collage education these athletes will become better citizens that will contribute to the community. Other than a football coach he is a volunteer fireman and has just agreed to start as the head coach at Damien school. For my essential question I want to figure out what I want to become in life and after meeting Coach Derby I might want to help the community by becoming some kind of coach or teacher.

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